
1: Editorial:

At Last!

The Autumn Conference of the Green Party of England and Wales has passed a motion to end private banks’ power to create our money, along with interest-bearing debt, by making loans, and instead to have a State body made responsible for creating any money society needs as efficient medium-of-exchange, and crediting it to the nation’s Treasury for the government to spend it into circulation, so that it enters circulation without any accompanying debt. Full details of this can be found on the Party’s website at (if/when it is updated!) See also Daniel Key’s article here on page 160.

A message from Prof Joseph Huber, who co-authored ‘Creating New Money’ with James Robertson in 2000:
“Over the past weeks I have created a new website,

The intention is to tackle one of the barriers to monetary reform, i.e. lack of recognition and support by 'official' experts.

The website contributes to monetary and banking theory and conceptual questions of monetary reform. In particular, it wants to promote a New Currency Theory point of view, as opposed to banking doctrines.
The target group includes researchers, analysts, think-tank staff, expert journalists, strategic planners, policy makers, teachers and adult educators, and other people who are active in knowledge and opinion building and the formation and implementation of policies.

The website is certainly in a somewhat preliminary stage. Should you have any hints or suggestions, please let me know.

And, of course, I would be glad if you could occasionally pass on the message to colleagues and friends.”

Well worth a look – and response? – and recommendation to others?

- and now one from the American Monetary Institute:

“In an effort to improve our internet communications, we are making it easier for all to access the AMI Google Group - all of the content is now easily, publicly accessible! Simply click on the AMI Monetary Reform button at the home page ( to view the materials. We know that we put out very carefully done work - actually among the best monetary work on the internet - and we are making it easier for all to recognize it.

There are three great new resources posted there now - a video of Dr, Michael Kumhof's talk in the AMI sessions at the 2013 EEA (Eastern Economic Association) Conference; Bob Poteat's powerpoint presentation on Banking Debt and Warfare from the recent Chicago Seminar, and a link to Joseph Huber's great new monetary reform website, describing the difference between the Chicago plan and the AMI American Monetary Act. In addition to this recent material, all of the prior posts are now at your disposal!

If you would like to post your own monetary materials, or comment on other posts, you can become a member by following the instructions at the top of the Google Group page. We try to communicate important matters through the AMI Google Group rather than the AMI Facebook page, where it is much easier for novices to post. Please click on the link here: to access the Google Group, and share this e-mail with your friends and colleagues!

Your thoughts and suggestions are always welcome.

Stephen Zarlenga
Director, AMI”

Finally, a short video that ‘says it all’: interview with Richard Heinberg -
- and another site worth a look:

- Brian Leslie