
Text of a leaflet recently published by the DSC –


The financial crisis has shown how the whole system of money and credit creation needs to be changed and controlled to benefit us all.

Patching it up so it can continue to be controlled and used just for the benefit of a few speculators, and finance industry insiders cannot be right, fair or just.

The financial crisis has shown

* that money can be created out of nothing,

* that reserve or central banks can produce as much money as is needed, and that

* it’s our financial system, not theirs

The sooner we realise that New Zealand’s financial system is ours, the sooner we can use it to benefit all people in our country.

Financiers, and all who like to profit from controlling and creating our money as if it were their own, have no place in a modern economy.

Yes, it’s our financial system that is used to help New Zealanders go through their days, their weeks, their years, their lives, learning and living, playing and resting, buying and selling, working and saving, spending and enjoying, loving and grieving.

It’s there to help us all.

It should belong to us all. But governments - past and present - have offloaded, outsourced, and handed it to companies and individuals to make profits which we all have to pay one way or another.

Their charges - interest - are put into the price of everything we buy. So we have to earn more or go without just to pay them.

Money should be a means whereby we can all earn and save and use without an interest charge. It should be just a measurement - like a metre or a kilogram.

YOU can make our money ours WITH THE DSC
