

The ultimate conspiracy – not just ‘conspiracy theory’ – is at last gaining attention. For decades, mention of the interlinked Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, European Round Table of Industrialists, Project or the New American Century – and not least, the Bank of International Settlements – has been dismissed as ‘conspiracy theory’, as though no ‘conspiracy theory’ could be based on ‘conspiracy fact’.

The fact gradually becoming generally recognized, because of the blatantly damaging decisions being made by governments, is that there is a global elite working toward a corporate world government, and a world money, controlled by psychopaths prepared to start wars, allow the devastation of the ‘First World’ economies and the spread of poverty, starvation and diseases in the poorer parts of the world, and to spread lies and misinformation through the corporate public media.

The blatant inconsistencies in the official report on ‘9/11’ gave rise to many ‘conspiracy theories’, some or which were indeed far-fetched; but many facts emerged contradicting the official story, which give credence to the implication of the US administration as responsible for it. It is not acceptable to dismiss all these facts as ‘conspiracy theory’.

Obama’s election in the USA was seen as a ray of hope, but the reality is becoming apparent that however sincere he is in his pronouncements, he is in the hands of the same team of ‘lieutenants’ as were behind Bush, and the hope of radical change is fast fading.

As a latest example, in the UK: the British government’s recent decisions on nuclear power, coal-fired power stations, and new runways at airports, flying in the face of the need to combat global warming.

The debts generated by the money system as well as its power over money-creation are a great source of power for this elite, and its control of the media has in the past made spread of the facts about this, and alternatives, very difficult.

The main source of hope for reform – before it is too late – is the Internet. This is spreading debate and enlightenment globally, fast. (Those in power are seeking ways to control it, but so far, with little success.)

I hope that at least most of the readers of the paper edition of this newsletter have access to the Internet, because the ‘web’ is being flooded with articles which should be read by everyone concerned for the future.

A link to a very sound, thought-provoking article, on – ‘WHY THIS CRISIS MAY BE OUR BEST CHANCE TO BUILD A NEW ECONOMY’, is: by David Korten  

I also recommend a reading of a copyrighted article by Walden Bello, The Virtues of Deglobalization, which was published on Friday, September 4, 2009 by Foreign Policy in Focus (FPIF). The URL to the article is:

Also recommended: James Robertson
Newsletter No. 27 - November 2009 – which contains a range of links worth a look. The full Newsletter can be viewed at

If you have a group seeking in-depth education on the case for monetary reform, you can download the latest updated version of the talk Stephen Zarlenga, director of the American Monetary Institute, gave to the American Green Party’s National Convention in 2007 at It uses the history of the USA from colonial days as the main illustration of the struggle for the power to create money, and its results for society – as well as proposing reform of the current money system.

It takes about 1¼ hours to view and listen to, but is in 3 parts, which could each be followed by group discussion.

Brian Leslie