
17  Book Review

Pelf — A Green Commentary On The Abuse Of Money

by Jonathan Gray Greenspur Enterprise (2002) £7.50

We are being taken for a ride. The name of the vehicle in which we, the public, are unwilling passengers, is usury. This is the central theme of this highly readable collection of essays by a Green Party member aimed primarily but not exclusively at the politically aware youngster. The author notes that usury destabilises the economy and facilitates the accumulation of token wealth to build up undemocratic economic power. This clashes with the fundamental purpose of all economic activity: the welfare of the people. He believes that the supply of money must be totally controlled by accountable democratic agencies. Stressing the 'Small is Beautiful' philosophy of Schumacher, he argues the case for cooperatives supplied with operational capital interest-free, by a publicly owned bank. There are some interesting suggestions for converting our present 'demockery' into democracy. So, for example, every M P should be an Independent and subject to recall by the people. This is a well written and well argued book. To be recommended.

Michael L Taylor
