
The pace is hotting up at last!

The subject of the nature and means of creation and control of the money supply, and the need to reform it, so successfully suppressed from economics courses and the public media for so long, is rapidly gaining attention, even if so far there are still only a small minority of the population aware of it.

What is missing generally is analysis of the relationship between the power of money creation and economic and political power — with political power in the subservient position.

In this issue I review an important new book surveying "the mythology of money — the story of power" (its subtitle), primarily as related to national money systems through the ages. I am also including as an insert the December 2002 issue of Prosperity, which surveys the international aspects over the last few centuries. Also I enclose a leaflet from Corporate Watch, which highlights the power of corporations, deriving from the "international bankers"’ campaigning and influence on legislation and their promotion of ‘growth’.

The favourite accusation in defence against reformers — "Conspiracy theorist!" — is wearing thin in face of the blatant hypocrisy of Blair and Bush in their campaign against Iraq/Saddam Hussein. Guess who are their paymasters!

The central bankers of the world meet regularly, privately, at the BIS, to decide common policy. The ‘world leaders’ — top politicians, industrialists, bankers — meet annually, in great secrecy and security, in the Bilderberg Group; overlapping sub-groups such as the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and the European Round Table of Industrialists — who pushed for the Euro — meet regionally, to decide regional policy; but there are no conspiracies? Where was the policy of ‘globalisation’ decided?

Behind all this, what is their most powerful weapon? — Debt, generated by fractional-reserve banking!

Richard Douthwaite blows the gaff on American ‘prosperity’ and suggests a potentially powerful counter to the US imperialism on pages 49 to 51, with the recommendation that his article be circulated as widely as possible. A further, related article, in part repeating the message but adding a very significant point, and just found by me, is on the back page.

Recommended to our web-browsing readers:

http://cyberjournal.org/cj/rkm/WE/jun00Matrix.shtml — explores real reality versus "reality"! The true conflict: not left vs. right, but top vs. the rest.

Meanwhile, I have now imported from the makers some copies of the PAL version of the Money Masters video (2 tapes, 3½ hours) which discloses the struggle through the ages for the power to create and control the money supply. It is available from me at £25 plus postage.

I have just one copy left of the book of this video — the text of it, with several appendices — at £10 plus postage. It appears now to be out of print.

Also, the Wales Green Party is re-introducing the subject of money reform to Conference this Spring. Its motion proposes adoption of the ideas contained in Creating New Money, which was reviewed in issue 8/6. This vital subject still needs wider debate within the Green Party. If the motion is passed, this debate must still be promoted to our members, and must then become the core of our campaigning. If not, those of us who are convinced, must renew our efforts at education of the rest of the Party!