get-rich schemes, endless machines and fast-lane consumption are "our way of life" before adoring crowds and female bodies.

Behind the scenes, the real action goes on. "Instruments of transnational trade and investment", "competititive mergers" and "privatisation and deregulation of the public sector" are the deep booty system. Outside of the manufactured conflicts of the mass-spectacle games the many have their hearts and minds fastened to, the world is restructured as a pay-on-time system where the payments issue more and more debt for all to pay. As this or that entertainment product wins or loses in the coliseums, the gang's trade lawyers secretly construct hundreds of new laws behind everyone's backs in which only the rich can win. This "new world order" is backed by iron cages, starvation, rains of gas and clubs for resisters, and genocide for peoples from which the latest declared Enemy comes. But few dare to name the game. And so its order is ritualised with ever more one-sided shows of mass destruction and violence discharged on the dispossessed to demonstrate the inevitability of its rule.

Outside the bombing of poor peoples, whatever stands in the way of the global corporate gang's axings of expenditures on life is declared "an obstacle" to its freedom or - in revealing slogan - a "protectionist barrier". Any public law to regulate, protect or retain control over any sector of domestic economies is prohibited. There is a prize for all this, and it is a prize without end - all free existence which corporate vehicles can reconstruct to extract profit from. In the end, the global corporate gang wages a war on life organization itself. The world, in the revealing terms of the occupiers, is a "limitless market opportunity" for "maximum penetration and control".

Yet in the era of "the global knowledge economy", there is a vulnerability of this reign of fear and rapine which cannot be overcome. It can only work where its deep pattern evades exposure.

The New Totalitarianism

The deep pattern of the male corporate gang in its global form is, as David Rockefeller put it at the June 1991 Bilderberg's meeting in Baden Germany, a "supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers which is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries".7 As such a structure of world rule, it is accomplished by the same financial and media system deciders as put Tony Blair into office in Britain and George Bush Jr. into the White House against majority vote. Transnational corporations have marketed and financed these political leaders to ensure that captive states serve them rather than the peoples governments are elected by, guaranteeing through state plenipotentiaries and transnational trade edicts that governments can no longer govern them in common interest without infringing the new trade and investment laws in which transnational corporations alone are granted rights.

All along the corporate media have, as Rockefeller again advises, co-operated with this "plan for the world " by a "discretion" of public secrecy for which he thanks them. "It would have been impossible for us to develop a plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years". With financial and media selectors ensuring compliant party government leaders, all the requirements for this "plan for the world" have been set in place for a totality of control of world societies by a centralised global system which is by law not accountable to any electorate.

The meaning of the post-September 11 bombing of Afghanistan may be best understood in the light of this general background. What is important to recognize beneath all the spasms of propaganda of "America's New War" and "the forces of Good versus Evil", variations on an old theme, is that every step of the preparation and aftermath of this "whole new war with no end" confers cumulatively more strategic, legal and military control over the world's peoples from an unaccountable U.S. financial and armed-force centre. But the "war with no end" is not just for world dominion and, as it is humorously titled, a "fight for civilization". The grand prize of this war is unimpedable control by U.S. multinational oil corporations over the world's greatest oil and gas deposits which are located around the Caspian Sea of Central Asia, formerly the territory of the Soviet Union.

Long-time U.S. strategic adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, counselled "unhindered financial and economic access" to precisely these "Central Asia natural resources" years ago in 1997, referring specifically to the "enormous economic prize of natural gas and oil located in the region". Brzezinski advised that in the face of domestic resistance, it will become ever "more difficult to fashion a concensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstances of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat".8� Brzezinski's plan is not disconfirmed by any evidence since.

